Homelessness in the High-End ‘Hood
I consider myself mixed-class because my parents both came from poor or blue-collar circumstances, but the Air Force Brat life I grew up...
NOTE: This is no longer being added to, however we feel the articles are important, please read at your leisure.
Blog Post Archive: . Posts written by others represent their views, but may not necessarily represent those of Ms. Weston, who is deeply committed to open-minded, caring thought and action . Sherryl's may be quoted with proper reference or shared in entirety, with total credit to the author. All photos and images are the exclusive property of Sherryl N Weston MA, MSW, LCSW and may be shared, but only when attached to the essay or item in question. Questions on other alternatives should be directed to Ms. Weston by email or through the communication form on this site.